
High-Temperature Self-Regulating Heating Cable SRZ

Self Regulating Heaters SRZ is ideally used for process maintenance and freeze protection of pipelines, tanks and other industrial application where high temperature is needed. It is suitable for hazardous area, also non-hazardous and corrosive area. Fluoroplymer outer jacket will ensure products in good condition.

  • SRZ2 :

    No tinned copper metal & outer
  • SRZ2-C :

    Nicket plated copper braid
  • SRZ2-CF :

    Nicket plated copper braid and fluoropolymer outjacket

Self Regulating Heat Cable Specification: 


Supply voltage:  220V to 240V

Max. permissible operating temperature under load: +200 °C

Max. permissible operating no-load temperature: +250 °C

Temperature class: T3

Protection rating: IP66

Minimum installation temperature: -60 °C

Minimum bending radius: 25 mm at -60 °C

Rated power: 10 ,16, 24, 30, 40 (W/m) at 10°C


Explosion-protection type: 1ExellCT3.....T6GbX



Self Regulating Heaters SRZ Cable Design:

1. 19*0.32 Nickel plated copper wire.(1.52mm²)

2. Self-regulating conductive core

3. Thernoplastic insulation

4. Tinned copper braid

5. Fluoroplymer outer jacket 



Technical Data:

Max. Maintain or Continuous Exposure Temp.(Heating device power on or off) 150℃

Max. Intermittent Exposure Temp.

(Heating device de-energized)

Supply Voltage 110-120VAC, 208-277 VAC
Output Wattage 20, 30, 45, 60W/M (@10 on pipe)
Bus wire gauge 16 AWG Stranded Wire
Min. Bending  Radius

30mm @70。F

50mm @-40。F

Min. Installation Temperature -60℃

Min. Start-up Temperature

Maximum Circuit Breaker Size 50A
Protection NEMA 4X, Type4X, IP66
Outer Jacket Color Black
Braid Coverage Minimum 80%
Braid Electrical Resistance Maximum 0.012Ω/m
Finished Goods Nominal Dimensions 12.7mm x 4.9mm




SRZ self-regulating heating cable can be used for freeze protection and temperature maintenance up to 200℃. It is suitable for use in the high temperature range of industrial applicatiions such as pipe freeze protection, vessel heating and process temperature maintenance for pipe or tank up to 250°C. The SRZ cable is approved for use in nonhazardous and hazardous (classified)areas. The CT type outer jacket of this heating cable has high chemical resistance and can be used in the area where organic chenmicals or corrosives maybe present.


Area of Use:

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Liittyvät tuotteet

High-Temperature Self-Regulating Heating Cable SRZ
High-Temperature Self-Regulating Heating Cable SRZ

Self Regulating Heaters SRZ is ideally used for process maintenance and freeze protection of pipelines, tanks and other industrial application where high temperature is needed. It is suitable for hazardous area, also non-hazardous and corrosive area. Fluoroplymer outer jacket will ensure products in good condition.

Itsesäätyvien lämmittimien SRZ-kaapeli
Itsesäätyvien lämmittimien SRZ-kaapeli

Itsesäätyviä lämmittimiä SRZ käytetään ihanteellisesti prosessien ylläpitoon ja putkistojen, säiliöiden ja muiden teollisten sovellusten jäätymissuojaukseen, jossa tarvitaan korkeaa lämpötilaa. Se sopii vaaralliselle alueelle, myös vaarattomalle ja syövyttävälle alueelle. Fluoroplymer-ulkovaippa varmistaa, että tuotteet ovat hyvässä kunnossa.


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Meidän tunnit

Ma 21.11.–ke 23.11. klo 9.00–20.00
To 24.11.: suljettu - Hyvää kiitospäivää!
Pe 25.11.: 8.00–22.00
La 26.11.–su 27.11.: 10.00–21.00
(kaikki tunnit ovat itäistä aikaa)





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